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Submitted by Eddie on Tue, 2006-02-14 21:27 in

aint right is it!

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-02-14 21:34

Looks fine Eddie - I just pulled up that URL, and one of the merchant sitemaps and it's worked fine.

What do you think is wrong?

Submitted by Eddie on Tue, 2006-02-14 21:50

sorry - my fault!

i am used to seeing all expanded - I didnt realise that each url generate the site map!

Submitted by searley on Tue, 2006-02-14 23:11

its the way google recommend it, as they only allow each map to have upto 50,000 pages, but you can have as many maps as you like

Submitted by mycomp on Tue, 2006-03-07 15:43

Google have reported a parsing error with my sitemap, (Parsing error (Line 1))

I haven't messed with the sitemap.php file at all so it seems a little odd. Anyone had success or failure with their maps?

We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognise. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting.

Submitted by searley on Tue, 2006-03-07 16:47

mine is fine, and i see google come every 24hours or so and follow the top level map, and download all the maps for the updates feeds

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-03-07 17:08

Hi mycomp;

Can you email me the URL to your site and i'll take a look (reply to your Magic Parser reg email)...


Submitted by PriceSpin on Sun, 2006-03-19 22:45

Im getting that google error too... saying cant read the sitemap...

Parsing error (Line 1) in Sitemap
We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting.

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-03-19 22:54


I've got an open issue about this as there are a couple of other feeds that somehow manage to generate a parser error. This is despite all product names being normalised; so by the time the database has been loaded there should not be any characters present that would not be valid within the sitemap XML document.

As I understand it; Google is only alerting you to an error within that individual merchant's sitemap; and will still be making use of all other merchant sitemaps on your website.

In the mean time; could you drop me an email with the filename of the BBC Shop feed (the version that is causing the error) on your site and i'll grab it from your server if that's OK and try and recreate the problem...


Submitted by PriceSpin on Sun, 2006-03-19 23:15

Its actually giving an error for most... but Ill email you my feed for bbc anyway... if you want Ill give you ftp details?

Submitted by tullnet on Fri, 2006-05-05 13:55

Don't know if you got this fixed, but I had the same.

It's to do with the product names having non-standard characters in them.

I fixed it by editing sitmap.php like this:


if ($config_useRewrite)
$sitemapHREF = "product/".str_replace(" ","-",$row["name"]).".html";


if ($config_useRewrite)
$sitemapHREF = "product/".urlencode(str_replace(" ","-",$row["name"])).".html";

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-05-05 14:51

Well spotted!

The non-useRewrite version is urlencoded, but for some reason i'd missed out the urlencode() statement out on the useRewrite version!

Part of the reason i'd overlooked this is that the sitemap code was part of Price Tapestry before i'd upgraded the import process to handle non standard characters. Previously, a URL was guaranteed to be valid without URL encoding being necessary.
