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404 errors when importing

Submitted by bem on Sun, 2014-12-28 17:37 in

Hi David ,

I keep having issues when importing feeds, whether it's a full import or a slow import. I go with slow import all the time, but I'm finding that I have to sit with it whilst it goes through all my feeds as it does a few and then does a I get my error page. I have to refresh the page to continue - there are times where I've had to refresh 10 times just to complete a feed of about 7000 products. I can't set up cron jobs or anything because of this as else I end up with just a few items on my site. I used to just load everything into one feed and leave it slow importing over night when I went to bed but this is no longer an option.

Any ideas on what I can do?

Site if you need it is - {link saved}
I'm happy to send you log in details to my admin area if you want to see what I mean.


Submitted by support on Mon, 2014-12-29 11:03

Hello Ben,

That sounds like there may be a small configuration error as Slow Import Tool should happily sit there refreshing by HTTP meta refresh until completion. If you could email me login details for /admin/ and let me know what process / action you are taking I'll give it a go myself and check it out for you...
