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Google Adsense at Sidebar and google results

Submitted by stevebi on Tue, 2014-12-09 04:47 in

Hi David,

First of all I would like to thank you for all the great support you provide all this time. It is something that we should mention because it is unbelievable!!!

Secondly I would like to ask you two things that concern google machine

1) I have placed google adsense banner at sidebar but unfortunately it does not appear at any mobile or ipad. is it possible to do something about it?

2) Is it possible my search link results in Google to be in Greek Latin letters and not in this unreadable url format.

Best regards


Submitted by support on Tue, 2014-12-09 10:17

Hi Steve,

I just checked the most recent html/searchresults.php that I have from you in email and as it stands the sidebar has the Foundation class "show-for-medium-up" which means that it will not be shown (and therefore neither will your current ad unit) on small displays.

What I would suggest is where you have this code at line 8:

<div class='medium-4 columns show-for-medium-up'>

...REPLACE with:

<div class='small-12 medium-4 columns'>

And also at line 29:

<div class='medium-8 columns'>

...REPLACE with:

<div class='small-12 medium-8 columns'>

This will keep the sidebar layout as you have now on medium and larger displays, and on small displays the same content will appear above the search results.

With that in place, check out the following page which describes how to create a responsive rather than fixed size AdSense ad unit:

Regarding URL encoding of Greek utf-8 characters, this is quite a complex area and often the "safest" approach is used, hence the encoded appearance but I'll look into this for you and see if there is a safe way to encode the URL so that natural language appears in search results.

Hope this helps!


Submitted by stevebi on Tue, 2014-12-09 10:56

Thank you very much David

As always very fast. I have provided all the changes and it looks great.

Something that I noticed is that at mobile version pagination has only one page .

Concerning Greek latin characters I appreciate your effort



Submitted by support on Tue, 2014-12-09 11:10

No worries!

The pagination on small display only displays the current page number, but either side should be the previous / next links - let me know if you're still not sure or would prefer a slightly larger layout instead...
