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Submitted by JasonG on Fri, 2014-10-03 09:46 in

HI David

Hope you are well.

I have some products that appear in the wrong category, I know it is generally down to mapping by me or the merchant having things in strange categories.

{link saved}

The products on this page, i.e. "Whimzees Hedgehog Dog Chew XLarge" would normally be under Treats and Chews: {link saved}

I assume that if I take this product in the mapping section in Admin, and put in custom category that it would then move the product to the correct place?

If yes, should I add the custom category lower case, i.e. dog treats and chews

Thank you

Submitted by support on Fri, 2014-10-03 09:50

Hi Jason,

That's correct - to manually force a product into a certain category simply create a Product Mapping entry using the exact product name as it currently appears on the site, and on the configuration page enter the Custom Category as required - again exactly matching as it appears on your site e.g. in this case "Treats and Chews". Finally, re-import any affected feeds to apply the change.


Submitted by JasonG on Fri, 2014-10-03 09:55

Thank you, just to confirm as I was unsure of the category

The URL uses dog-treats-and-chews and the H1 is dog treats and chews, I am guessing it actually should match what is in the database?

"Treats and Chews" is what we used on the image

Hope that makes sense, sorry!


Submitted by support on Fri, 2014-10-03 10:06

Hi Stewart,

Best thing to do is match the case as it appears on the Category A-Z page e.g "Dog Treats and Chews" or "dog treats and chews" as required although strictly speaking, it doesn't actually matter since MySQL is case insensitive by default.
