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Server IP ?

Submitted by BobL on Mon, 2014-06-02 13:37 in

I don't have a clue as to why.
But as you know I have several sites, with several sub-install under each.
For some reason I'm getting random clicks with an IP
It's not always a top level install, it's not always the same install or sub-install.
It's not always the same site either.

Can someone be faking that IP?
It is a dedicated server.

Submitted by support on Mon, 2014-06-02 14:09

Hi Bob,

It sounds like they're visits from IP6 only clients and this is how your stats / analytics package is handling it at the point of display - so your web server is listening on an IP6 interface (not uncommon now - most "out of the box" dedicated and VPS servers will have IP6 addresses configured) and it is receiving traffic on that interface.

Further, it sounds like however you manage DNS (e.g. when you point to your server) the system you are using is assigning both an IP4 and IP6 address, which would explain why you are seeing the phenomenon on different sites hosted on the same server.

Have a search on the web regarding that particular IP address and the stats package that you are using and there will likely be some discussion surrounding it...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by BobL on Tue, 2014-06-03 13:16

Bob L.

Thank you David.
I didn't even know their was such a thing as IP6.

Submitted by BobL on Wed, 2014-12-03 20:42

Bob L.
Hope all is well Mr. David.

Just an update on this issue.

I've discovered that I have this line of code in my jump.php to retrieve the ip address of the remote address.

$client_ip = ip2long($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);

Is there a better way to grab the correct IP instead of the ??

Thanks in advance.

Submitted by support on Wed, 2014-12-03 21:49

Hello Bob,

An Apache server that is listening on IP6 addresses should report the full IP6 address in $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] so your tracking mod may actually not require the call to PHP's ip2long function - just using:

  $client_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];

If your mod does require the IP address as a number rather than dotted notation, the PHP page for ip2long does include sample code for an IP6 compatible version...

Hope this helps!
