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DISKWARN: /tmp on server

Submitted by BobL on Mon, 2014-01-06 18:30 in

Hi David hope all is well.

If this is not the right place for this please move to the right section.
I've been getting this warning from our server off and on, but since Dec. 31st. 2013 we went to an SSD drive and the error messages have been coming almost daily and some times twice a day.
DISKWARN: /tmp on server1.SITE NAME (IP ADDRESS HERE): 2.56/2.89 GB - 89%
Any ideas on what is causing these messages?

Thanks in advance

Submitted by support on Wed, 2014-01-08 09:57

Hi Bob,

It's a server alert message informing you that the space available in the /tmp folderof your server is becoming low, so it would be worth investigating. The /tmp folder is used extensively by MySQL during queries that require complex sorting etc.

However, what is not uncommon is for large files used during system administration / upgrades to be left "lying around" in /tmp which can take up space unnecessarily. What I would do first in such a scenario would be login to the server (SSH), become root and STOP the services Apache and MySQL. Then change directory to /tmp and use "ls" to show the files present. If there are any .MYI or .MYD files it is almost certainly safe to delete these as it would indicate that they have been left over from a previous MySQL instance and become orphaned.

You can also use the

ls -l

...command to show the file size of anything left in /tmp. Look in particular for anything ending in .tar or .tar.gz as these are typically the file extensions used by upgrade systems and might not have been deleted - and can be very large...!

Hope this helps!
