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Price Slider For Wordpress

Submitted by ccgale on Tue, 2013-10-08 10:45 in


is there any existing code or widgets which would enable the creation of a price slider for the wordpress version of the site? If not, would it be difficult to do (if i were to use someone from freelancer)


Submitted by support on Tue, 2013-10-08 11:14

Hi Carl,

jQuery UI widgets can be incorporated relatively easily. I'll need to add support for a priceRange parameter as most slider widgets populate a single field in a predictable format e.g "100.00 - 200.00" so if you'd like to forward your current pto.php and pto_search.php I'll add that for you as the first step.

If you could also let me know if your theme currently includes jQuery (many do). If you're not sure, view the source of your home page and just search jquery in the output...
