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Automation Feeds

Submitted by mikecdprice on Fri, 2013-08-23 22:12 in

Hello David,

I have been testing cron automation. What I am noticing is that the feeds are updating every day and the import is not happening.

I check it and it does it every day to fetch the feeds and it is not importing. Is it due to large files? I thought I read online that you have a staggered automation process that can be called multiple times a day to insure completion and imports.

Thank you

Submitted by support on Sat, 2013-08-24 10:14

Hello Mike,

I assume that you're scheduling cron.php which is the combined fetch + import script; the first thing to check is from the /admin/ home page, go down the list of Modified date / times and see how many are consistent with the time that the CRON was scheduled to run.

If, say, 75% of the feeds have been updated but not all of them, that does indicate a timeout occuring during the CRON job before all feeds had been fetched. However, if you notice that all feeds have been updated but no feeds have been imported (so also check Imported date / time if all feeds have been updated) let me know as that would indicate something is stopping the process from moving on to import after all feeds have been fetched, which is unlikely to be a timeout issue.

However, yes I do have a version of cron.php that works as you mention - if you'd like to try this version drop me an email and I'll reply with the script and instructions...
