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Import changes

Submitted by Eddie on Tue, 2006-02-14 16:27 in

I am trying to work out what I have done wrong!

Using the import script and having to make changes due to adding of MasterCategory and Brand :

exec("php ./register.php AdvancedMP3Players.xml 'xml|PRODUCTS/PRODUCT/' 'Advanced MP3Players' 'PRODUCTNAME' 'DESCRIPTION' 'IMAGEURL' 'DEEPLINK' 'PRICE' '' 'MASTERCATEGORY' '' 'BRAND'");

I have left the empty '' in as these values arent required.

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-02-14 16:31

You've got them the wrong way round; it should go 'MASTERCATEGORY' '' 'BRAND' ''.