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config_fieldSet array - New Field Question.

Submitted by Capricorn on Sun, 2013-03-31 15:02 in

Hi David,

When adding a new field to the database, would it make any difference in the order that is added to the config_fieldSet array on the config.advanced.php page?

I want to add the new "big_image_url" field to the database now, so I wonder if I have to add it to the bottom of the last field name there on the config.advanced.php page, or can I insert that new "Big Image URL" right under the "image_url" line without any perfonmance issue.


Submitted by support on Mon, 2013-04-01 14:37

Hi Capricorn,

It won't make any difference at all; so to keep things tidy there's no problem inserting it next to the existing image_url field!
