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Search showing highest price

Submitted by allanch on Wed, 2013-01-30 14:08 in

Hi David,

It's me again. I hope you're well. I have an odd problem in that the search results in search.php are showing the highest prices instead of lowest. I have re-imported feeds and I've checked the coding and I can't think of any modifications I made. The code that generates the price is:


Any ideas on what is causing this? Thanks


Submitted by support on Wed, 2013-01-30 14:13

Hi Allan,

That sounds like you have a modification in place that is using:


...within the result loop html/searchresults.php, however that should actually be:


...which should then display as expected!


Submitted by allanch on Wed, 2013-01-30 15:52

Thanks David, it's me copy and pasting code without checking properly!