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Submitted by pat on Thu, 2012-10-04 15:49 in


When i click on a category it brings me results and the drop down menu to select 10,20,30 BUT how do I display



Basically what i need is that when i click on a category it allows user to navigate through ALL products in that category

something like

1 2 3 4....


1 2 3 4...


Submitted by support on Thu, 2012-10-04 17:03

Hi Pat,

I know you've been using the script for several years now - whilst there has been a "results per page" drop down documented on the forum this week that applies to the normal search results page - which does show the normal navigation that you would expect.

I wonder therefore if you're referring to a page using the external scripts that is not being generated by search.php?

Could you perhaps post a URL of the page you are referring to (I'll remove the link before posting your reply) and I'll check it out right away for you...


Submitted by pat on Fri, 2012-10-05 06:51

Hi David

I've been using the script for a while but I have lost track and I am now doing major modifications.... anyway I found the answer in old doc i have.

Now I do not remember how to display feeds from 2 merchants on different sites and select specific feed per site....

With 1 admin If I import all feeds in the same folder products show up on all sites, how can i select specific products per site?

For example in the feed folder i have : accessories, jewelry, clothes.

I'd like one site to display only accessories + jewelry / no clothes
another to display clothes + accessories / no jewelry




Submitted by support on Fri, 2012-10-05 08:27

Hello Pat,

You can maintain a single /feeds/ folder in a designated "master" installation; and then create "slave" installations in which the $config_feedDirectory value points to the feeds directory of your "master" installation; so for each "slave" site, you might have in config.advanced.php at line 4:

  $config_feedDirectory = "/home/username/domains/mastersite/public_html/feeds/";

You then only need to manage the automation of feed download to the single "master" feeds folder.

Next, register each feed as required within each installation (don't worry if some feeds aren't needed on a parituclar installation at all; they can quite happily sit there with "Register" alongside them in /admin/).

You mentioned only using particular feeds per site; but if you wanted to you can easily use a feed on multiple sites but import different categories on each one. This is normally done with a Drop Record If Not RegExp filter applied to the Category field. In the text box on the configuration page for the filter you would then enter the list of categories to import as a regular expressions, e.g.


Hope this helps!


Submitted by pat on Fri, 2012-10-05 19:14

Hi David

I am sorry but I understand nothing....

I have 1 admin:

config.advanced.php for this site is:

$config_feedDirectory = "/home/username/domains/ANOTHERSITE/public_html/feeds/";

where all feeds (A-Y) are located and they show up on every single site where i use the script

Now, I have 1 feed (Z) NOT in the "feeds/" folder because if i put it there products will show up on all sites and I don't want this.

Lets says I have :

SITE1 --> displaying products from all feeds (A-Y) from the feeds/ folder

I want

SITE2 ---> to display the other feed (Z) which is actually nowhere because i don't know where it should go but i need it to be managed by the same admin.

If you could give me a clearer example on how to do this, that would be helpful.

Also for the drop record I understand the idea but I don't get how i use it on a specific site to display specific categories from any feed as the configuration of a site is limited to the db connection....

I must be missing something



Submitted by support on Sun, 2012-10-07 10:34

Hello Pat,

There has to be a one-to-one mapping between an admin area and any instance of a Price Tapestry database.

However, there does not have to be a one-to-one mapping between the /feeds/ directory in use and the database.

So what I normally suggest is a common /feeds/ folder - so in your case:

$config_feedDirectory = "/home/username/domains/ANOTHERSITE/public_html/feeds/";

(which you have on ALL installations), and this /feeds/ folder contains all feeds A-Z.

Then each of your sites has its own Price Tapestry database. Even if you only have one MySQL database available to your hosting account; you can run multiple installations in the same physical database by using different $config_databaseTablePrefix values, e.g.

Site 1:

$config_databaseTablePrefix = "pt1_";

Site 2:

$config_databaseTablePrefix = "pt2_";


You use the /admin/ areas independently, e.g, etc. where you register and import only the feeds require for that site. There's no reason why every feed in the common /feeds/ folder needs to be imported into each site - some sites some feeds cannot be used at all (so it will just say "Register" alongside them in /admin/) and some feeds you might want to use on more than one site but with different filters (typically Drop Record If Not [RegExp]) where only certain categories appropriate to each site are required.

Hope that clarifies how you can set-up multiple installations with a common feed directory - if you're still not sure if you would like me to look at your current set-up and adviase how to go about modifying it for multi-site in this way do email me with any information and I'll try and point you in the right direction; no problem at all.

Hope this helps!
