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More Secure Admin Panel

Submitted by technoarenasol on Thu, 2012-09-13 09:56 in

Hello David

For Security of admin panel give only password verification.How can be more secure admin panel

Submitted by support on Thu, 2012-09-13 10:10

Hi there,

Some hosting control panels make it easy to add HTTP authentication - look in your control panel for "Password Protected Folders" or something like that, and you might be able to browse to your /admin/ folder and then select to add a username/password to it.

If you are running Apache web server (which you almost certainly are!) then HTTP authentication can be set-up manually, you will need to create 2 files:


AuthUserFile /path/to/admin/.htpasswd
AuthName "Restricted"
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user

Replace /path/to/ with the value of the Install Path of your Price Tapestry installation as shown on the Support Info page of your /admin/ area. You will also need to create the password file:



Replace username with your chosen username, and to generate your encrypted password, search for "htaccess password generator" - there are lots of online generators where you can enter your username and it will display the encryptedpassword for you to put in the .htpasswd file...

Hope this helps!


Submitted by stonecold111 on Fri, 2013-08-16 03:18

The manual method seems to have some kind of misconfiguration that cause 404 error.

  • Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

  • Submitted by support on Fri, 2013-08-16 09:01


    Apache will generate an Internal Server Error if there is an error in .htaccess. The most likely cause if you are following the instructions above to add HTTP password protection to your /admin/ folder is the /path/to/.htusers

    To work out the correct value to use for /path/to/ check the Install Path displayed on the Support Info page of your /admin/ area, and then append "/admin/" to the path, followed by .htpasswd for example, if your Install Path is:


    ...then the first line of your /admin/.htaccess would be:

    AuthUserFile /home/example/domains/

    If that's correct, then it is possible that .htpasswd is invalid. To help check this, the following is a valid .htpasswd for the username "test" with password "test":


    Hope this helps!
