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Adding FULLTEXT INDEX to custom column with an underscore

Submitted by Convergence on Thu, 2012-06-14 21:21 in

v12/10B - modded


Need some guidance, please.

Have a custom column named 'manufacturer_model' that we added during our initial install. Would like to make this column and it's contents searchable.

However, due to the underscore, running a dbmod.php file such as the one below doesn't work:

  $sql = "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX name_manufacturer_model
            ON `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` (name,manufacturer_model)";
  print "Done.";

Should we rename the column first?

alter table products change manufacturer_model manufacturermodel varchar (255) ;

Then change all the corresponding files to the new column name:


And then, finally, run the FULLTEXT INDEX again?

   $sql = "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX name_manufacturermodel
             ON `".$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` (name,manufacturermodel)";
   print "Done.";

Will feeds need to be registered again? Chances of losing any data in that column?

What would be the best route to take?


Submitted by support on Fri, 2012-06-15 09:59


I don't think the underscore should make any difference to be honest - what I would recommend first is running the dbmod.php to create the index with database debug mode enabled, e.g.

$config_databaseDebugMode TRUE;
$sql "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX name_manufacturer_model
            ON `"
.$config_databaseTablePrefix."products` (name,manufacturer_model)";

This should generate additional MySQL error information which should indicate the problem. If you're not sure from the message how to correct the situation let me know what is displayed and I'll take a look for you..


Submitted by Convergence on Fri, 2012-06-15 19:38

Hi David,

My concern is that there is already a fieldSet called "model" in the db. We actually want to do FULLTEXT INDEX for 3 additional fields including "model" and "manufacturer model" (as we as a third).

So wouldn't things get muddled with a command like:

$sql = "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX name_manufacturer_model_model

How would it know that the _model in manufacturer_model is not the 2nd _model?


Submitted by support on Sat, 2012-06-16 09:57


The actual name of the index doesn't have to bear any relationship to the field names actually used to built it - that's entirely down to the ON (field1,field2,etc.) part of the SQL...


Submitted by Convergence on Sat, 2012-06-16 19:24

Thanks David,

We must have messed something else up - will try again.

Thanks for the education!