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Importing feeds

Submitted by CSYS on Sun, 2006-08-20 12:20 in

Hi, i have a problem importing feeds: my browser goes out of time, and i can't use SSH/telnet with my hosting company.

How can i fix this problem?
Can i execute scripts/import.php in another way?

(registering process is ok, i have imported 10 test-products..)

Thank you for support


Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-08-20 12:30

Hi There,

This implies that your host has disabled the use of set_time_limit(0) in your servers PHP config. This function is called at the top of the import scripts to enable unlimited execution time - but it can be overridden in php.ini.

If you cannot login via SSH/telnet then I would recommend speaking to your host and asking them to remove the time limit for you. A number of Price Tapestry users have successfully got their host to do this for them, and the import process then works fine without having to use the automation scripts.

If you explain in your email that you are processing large data files and need unlimited PHP execution time most hosts will oblige in order to keep your business! This thread gives some advice on what to look for when choosing hosting for complex PHP sites:

Hope this helps;

Submitted by CSYS on Sun, 2006-08-20 12:49

Thank you David, i try to ask my hoster...

Submitted by CSYS on Sun, 2006-08-20 15:24

Ok, i have set .htaccess, now i can import feeds