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import.php limited import

Submitted by wilkins on Wed, 2011-03-16 09:48 in


I have a problem with import.php, I making a site on a new managed server on 1and1 and am starting to create crons to import products and come across a issue that has never risen before on other servers. Then I try to use an sh file download and import files, they download OK and start to import, however they stop importing around the 10,000 products.

Whats strange is when I use the same import line in the command line it works. Also I tried the import line as a separate cron entry and only get around 10,000 products.

Any ideas what could cause this


Submitted by support on Wed, 2011-03-16 10:03

Hi Brent,

That's a strange one, import.php only limits if you specify a limit as the optional second parameter on the command line, otherwise it should import all products.

All I can imagine is that it is some kind of time limit being applied to your cron process, although that itself would be unusual, but worth asking your host if this might be the case.

Do you receive an email showing the output of your CRON jobs on this server? If not, it would be handy to enable that (check the CRON page of your control panel, there is normally a checkbox to enable email) and see if that gives any clues as to why import.php did not complete. Let me know if you're still not sure of anything of course...
