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MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet

Submitted by Mik3 on Sat, 2010-10-02 11:24 in

Hi David.

I recently tried installing MaxBlogPress subscribers magnet to increase the subscribers on my blog. Unfortunately it seems to be having some issues with the featured external and brands external scripts. From what I can see the sql connection doesn't seem to get closed on those scripts and instead of viewing the Wordpress database where the tables for this plugin are installed, it's trying to view them in my Price Tapestry tables.

I wondered if you might be able to suggest a fix from a price tapestry point of view to avoid this from happening?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2010-10-05 08:53

Hello Mike,

I've come across similar database connection conflicts with other external installations - the solution is to modify Price Tapestry's database code to make sure that it uses its own database link instead of one that already exists.

To do this, edit includes/database.php and look for the following code at line 14:

    $link = @mysql_connect($config_databaseServer,$config_databaseUsername,$config_databasePassword);

...and REPLACE with:

    $link = @mysql_connect($config_databaseServer,$config_databaseUsername,$config_databasePassword,TRUE);

That should do the trick!
