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Product Table

Submitted by mtdmitchell on Sun, 2010-09-26 01:01 in


I wish to display more information in my comparision tables - see my test sample- {link saved}

to include the same extra fields as this one - {link saved}

i have the correct data in my database already but im unsure on how i would change the fields displayed in the table to include the infomation.

I have checked the forums and cant seem to find any relevant posts.Sorry my php skills are lacking but in you could point me in the right directions i should have no problems.

Submitted by support on Sun, 2010-09-26 13:33


OK, let's say you've added the field "freetexts" to your database (simply use whatever exact field name you have used in replacement in the examples below), to add the field to your price comparison table before the "Price" column, open html/prices.php in your text editor; and first look for the following code at line 6:

      <th align='left'><?php print translate("Price"); ?></th>

...and REPLACE with:

      <th align='left'>Free Texts</th>
      <th align='left'><?php print translate("Price"); ?></th>

Finally, look for the following code at line 13:

      <td><strong><?php print $config_currencyHTML.$product["price"]; ?></strong></td>

...and REPLACE with:

      <td><?php print $product["freetexts"]; ?></td>
      <td><strong><?php print $config_currencyHTML.$product["price"]; ?></strong></td>

Simply insert similar code at the same points for each of your other fields to display as much information as required.

Hope this helps!


Submitted by mtdmitchell on Wed, 2010-09-29 19:34

Thanks again