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importing feeds

Submitted by moileraz on Mon, 2006-07-17 22:04 in

Hi everybody,
I've just install it on a fresh database all was working fine I've been able to import some database feed of 750 products but during this night I am trying to import a database feed in CVS format of 5854 products but there are only 6 products in my database. What can I do to fix that?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-07-18 06:04

Hi Percy,

This is probably a result of either a corrupt feed that does not contain good data for the product name, or a case of the wrong field being registered as the product name, and that field only has 6 different values.

Please check that you have not registered a category field as the product name as this can have the effect of only a limited number of "products" being imported.

What I would suggest is uploading the feed into the Magic Parser demo script:

Then, navigate through a few records and study the field that you have registered as the product name and see why they are mostly either empty (in which case they won't be imported) or duplicate - remember that because Price Tapestry is keyed by product name there can be only one product with a distinct name imported from any feed.

Hope this helps!