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Web Host

Submitted by jond on Tue, 2006-05-23 14:35 in

Hi guys,

I'm new to price tapestry and am having problems getting my host (Web Fusion) to allow me to run scripts from the command line or even disable the timeout on PHP scripts - which is making it impossible to import large feeds.

Could anybody recommend a decent host? I don't need a massive amount of web space or bandwidth, just a MYSQL database and the ability to run scripts from the command line - any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


Submitted by crounauer on Tue, 2006-05-23 14:49

Hi Jon,

There are alot of decent hosts available, just depends how much per month you are willing to spend and do you want dedicated, reseller or just some space on a server?

Fasthosts are supposedly good value for money and provide a good service. I am with Rackspace, but they are expensive. You do at the end of the day get what you pay for though!

Computer Hardware

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-05-23 14:52

Hi Jon,

We had a thread on recommended hosts a while back - might be worth checking over:


Submitted by jond on Tue, 2006-05-23 15:04

Thanks for the comments guys.

Apologies for the repeat post - will take a look at that (and remember to search before asking in the future).
