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Problem with feed

Submitted by jimbo on Fri, 2006-05-12 18:14 in

Hi David,

I am trying to add a xls feed (csv|9|1|0) to my site but am getting the error below

[xls data snipped]

I tried cut and paste of the xls file (10 entries)on your magicparser demo site and it works/parses it OK.

Any help please, as I dont know where I am going wrong


Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-05-12 18:41

Hi Jim,

The XLS (Microsoft Excel) file format is not a file type that is recognised by Magic Parser. When you coppied and pasted the file, the Magic Parser demo tool will have correctly processed the format in which it was coppied from Excel (in tab delimitation), but that is different to the format in which the data is actually saved, which is a native Microsoft format.

To use the feed, you will need to export the data from Excel. To do this, go to "File", and then "Save As...", or maybe "File" and then "Export" depending upon which version of Excel you are using.

Then, select the option to save or export as "Tab Separated Values", or if that isn't available, "Comma Separated Values". This should produce a .csv file, which you should then be able to upload to your site. You might want to try the Magic Parser demo tool first to make sure that it works, as it may take a little experimenation to find the best export format from Excel.

Hope this helps!

Submitted by jimbo on Fri, 2006-05-12 19:06

Thanks david,

its working, saved as csv.

cheers for that mate.