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import is slow ?

Submitted by vertygo on Thu, 2006-05-11 23:49 in

I have a pretty huge database of products.. just recently I imported a 160mb feed and it basically took all night. I realize that it has to run it's full text index on the incoming products, but that seemed way too long.

Any thoughts on tweaks to speed it up ? Either programmatically or server hardware ?

I'm wondering if it's slowed down on purpose, or the server needs more ram.. that kind of thing.

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-05-12 05:31


That's a big feed! How many products are in that one feed?

If you can send me a URL so that I can download it directly to my test server i'll try importing it to see how long it takes in comparison; and perhaps try some experiments that might speed things up.

One option might be to disable indexing during the import, and then rebuild the index once all records have been imported - that should be quite easy to write into the import script.


Submitted by vertygo on Fri, 2006-05-12 08:00

Ok, I emailed the support address with the direct link.

Thanks again for looking into this.