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Slow loading product pages...

Submitted by getgood on Mon, 2006-05-08 15:15 in

I'm having a problem with the product pages taking 40+ seconds to load?

I'm not sure if this is a server problem, I contcted my host and he said the server was running fine. He gave me this:

root@bahama [~]# w
07:21:13 up 89 days, 18:30, 1 user, load average: 0.41, 0.37, 0.36

Not sure what this means...

Can you check a page to see how quickly it loads on your computer -

- i'm getting a bit lost on what this slow down could be, not sure if its my computer, server, script..etc...



Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-05-08 15:23

Hi Adam,

Most of the page, including the product image and affiliate links loads very quickly and is displayed pretty much straight away in FireFox (i'm running


I can see something going on as the page does take about 40 - 50 seconds to load completely; which means something happening at the end of your script is taking the time; and it might be that in Internet Explorer it does not display the product info until it has got the entire page.

I'll have a look at your source and see if there are any clues; but it doesn't look like a database problem as the content generated by Price Tapestry is returned pretty much straight away....

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-05-08 15:32

The page never actually finishes loading, I think the browser times out.

If you have a look at View > Source when the browser has stopped waiting it seems to finish at the closing table tag, so something happening in the PHP generating the page between the end of the reviews section and the inclusion of the footer is timing out...

Still thinking what that might be...

Submitted by getgood on Mon, 2006-05-08 16:46

I think i've figured it Dave...

I uploaded a clean template from another site im in the process of building and it loaded instant...

Redid my page from scratch and the problem was still there...

Just realised that I had the eBay editor kit on the end page which doesn't actually need to be there...the process of it searching the results from ebay seems to be the problem,

Deleted it and it works fine now from what I can see.

Cheers for your help