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I've got problems to identify a CSV file

Submitted by achatguitare on Sun, 2006-04-30 16:43 in

Hi friends,

I've got some problems to identify what kind of CSV file correspond to my catalog:

I've got problem to set up this in the admin.

Best regards,


Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-04-30 16:49

Hello David,

The feed is semi-colon separated values, which is not auto-detected by Magic Parser, but it does work if you use the correct format string, which is:


When you register the feed, at Step 1 either enter the above format string, or select:

Text - No Header Row - Semi-colon Separated

...from the drop down menu.


Submitted by achatguitare on Sun, 2006-04-30 16:55

Dear David,

Many thanks for your help.
You always have the answer !

What a great support !