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Own Template use

Submitted by marcelo on Tue, 2006-04-25 14:39 in

Hello Dave,
now times another question, I found not correct answer to you so far in the forum.

I would like to use now its own Template.
How do I proceed now?

Thank you already once in advance

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-04-25 15:40

Hi Marcelo,

The way the code is designed, to create your own look you only need to modify the files in the html directory.

For example, you can create your own header in header.php, and your own footer in footer.php by adding as much or as little HTML as you want.

Hope this helps!

Submitted by marcelo on Fri, 2006-04-28 15:59

Dear David,
I did not understand, cannot your instruction you me an example show as I to proceed must around my own Template use.

Thanks in advance

Sorry! Translation with Babelfish

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-04-28 16:40

Hello Marcelo,

All the HTML that is created by Price Tapestry is done in the files in the /html sub-directory.

To make your own design, you just need to change these files. There is no "template" system as such, just files that are easy to modify.

Perhaps, if you describe what you would like to change, we can help say which file you can make that change in!


Submitted by marcelo on Sat, 2006-04-29 18:47

Hello David,
thanks for your support.
I already adapted some attitudes for my Template.

Now I do not get ahead! Where can I change the color of the on the left of?

At present the standard color is blue "present".
In the CSS file I found no entry.

Cheers Marcelo

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-04-30 09:02

Hi Marcelo,

Do you mean that the links are blue? If so, there is no entry in the CSS for this because blue is the normal color for links. If you want to change the color of links, you would need to add some css for the "a" tag, and if you like you can change it just for one section, for example, to make the links in the prices table brown, you could do this in default.css

#prices a {
  color: brown;

Hope I have understood you ok!


Submitted by marcelo on Mon, 2006-05-01 08:30

Hi David,

is perfect!
Thank you for your support!
