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So easy

Submitted by snaketorque on Wed, 2006-02-01 17:52 in

OK, credit where due, this is a great script, was up and running in no time at all at Ciaobuybuy Pricematch, all I need to do now is edit the templates to add a bit of colour to the pages.

Best regards


Submitted by support on Wed, 2006-02-01 17:56

Hi Rob,

Thank you for your comments!

I notice from looking at your site that you have not got the pound symbol being displayed correctly. Make sure that your entry in config.php looks like this below:

$config_currencyHTML = "£";

...I think you have missed out the semi-colon on the end of pound...


Submitted by snaketorque on Wed, 2006-02-01 20:08


Yep, I have a bit of tidying up to do, I have been messing around with the script so I need to clarify some changes, delete and then re-install, but thanks for the heads up.
