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Need Help

Submitted by johnkarl on Wed, 2006-04-12 22:36 in

Hi all,

I'm french, I've just download the software and need help to install it and use it!

I've tried to read all the tuto and the post on the forum but still need help!

Is it possible to help me step by step on msn???



Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-04-13 03:21

Hi John-karl,

I am sure we can get you working! The first thing is, have you already uploaded the files to your server?

If so, if you can post the URL and I can then see how far you have got, and also give some advise by looking at the site. So the next step to help you:

What is your URL?

Submitted by johnkarl on Thu, 2006-04-13 06:25


I give you the url this morning when I arrive at work because fir the moment it's on my local server! Maybe the first problem is that! Maybe it doesn't support a local server!!!

I come back here after to give you the Url and we'll see that! I've to upload the files first! :-)

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