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Submitted by crounauer on Wed, 2006-04-12 11:26 in

Hi David,

I was just wondering if you could perhaps point me in the direction of a good SSH client and a good resource for a breakdown of the terminal commands.

I have tried some of the commands like "$locate -r /php$" to locate the PHP executable, but have had no luck on my Linux server.


Submitted by support on Wed, 2006-04-12 14:05

The only SSH client i've ever used on Windows is Putty:

Never had any problems with it, so never had any reason to check out any others.

Here's a good list of shell commands:

With regards locating the php binary; the command looks fine - if you run that on my server you get:

$locate -r /php$

One possibility is that locate's database is not being updated; so you could try to guess the location; for example:


Any joy with those?

It is possible of course that the PHP cli binary is not installed on your server - it may only exist as an Apache module, in which case your host may be able to get it installed for you.