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deeplinks all pointing at same product [resolved]

Submitted by lowndsy on Mon, 2006-01-30 20:07 in

I've got a slight problem with the comparison results.
When there are multiple products with the same price the links won't let you visit alternate merchants - every link is the same as the first instance of that price. It's hard to explain, but go to that page and try the first 4 links, and then the next 4, and then the next. The script is completely unchanged so it can't really be somethign I have altered.

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-01-30 20:12

On the case now....

Am I correct in thinking that the only difference between this case and: that each merchant has multiple products with the same description at different prices?

I'm just going to add the same merchants to my site and see if I can re-create the problem.

Submitted by lowndsy on Mon, 2006-01-30 20:35

Yes I think so. I'm trying to find an example like yours where there are just 2 items and see what happens then but I can't see one yet.

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-01-30 20:40

This is strange... I just added Agento and Jewellery Now from AW, and my Jewellery Now feed doesn't look the same as yours... (are they on another network?).

Jewellery Now on your site looks like it's using the Agento feed which is odd, so it might be something going wrong in the import process...

Submitted by lowndsy on Mon, 2006-01-30 20:48

I've checked the data file and it looks ok - try this example - it's not just jewellerynow - and the rest of them are doing the same for me:

Argento just happens to be the first merchant registered, which is why they are popping up as the best deal for each product with the same prices.

Submitted by lowndsy on Mon, 2006-01-30 20:56

You're right - it's wrong in the database and not the display page. I'll try deleting and reloading the files, but at the moment it does look like a probelm with the import process.

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-01-30 21:01

How do your product counts compare to mine for the Jewellery feeds:

(username: demo, password: demo)

Submitted by lowndsy on Mon, 2006-01-30 21:08

My file sizes are way different - they're quite old though - that's why I did a jewellery site because I had the files to hand. I've managed to find some Argento in the as well so it does look like it might have been either my or Awins fault! I'm redownloading them now.

Submitted by lowndsy on Mon, 2006-01-30 21:36

Oops! It looks like it was all me! Everything seems happy now. Sorry about that! I have learned a fair bit about the code now though :)

Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-01-30 21:41

No probs!

I did actually uncover a bug whilst in the process of looking at this, so every cloud as they say! :) The link to the merchant index if a product search returns no results does not use the $config_baseHREF prefix. I've fixed this in the current distribution; but if you want to make the mod, simply change the code at the bottom of search.php from:

print "<p>There are no products to display. <a href='".$merchant_href."'>Click here</a> to browse our merchant index.</p>";


print "<p>There are no products to display. <a href='".$config_baseHREF.$merchant_href."'>Click here</a> to browse our merchant index.</p>";