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Google Sitemap Submission

Submitted by IG on Thu, 2006-04-06 06:41 in

Hi all

I have a question concerning the Google sitemap submission. Is it recommended to submit ONLY the "main" sitemap with the links to the various shops or is it better to submit ALSO the sitemaps of the individual shops?

Cheers, IG

Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-04-06 06:45

I've only ever submitted the main one; Googlebot checks it often and always gets the individual shop sitemaps - no problem so it shouldn't be necessary to submit individually.

Submitted by searley on Thu, 2006-04-06 07:21

Google recommends that when you have more than the allowed number of url for 1 map, that they are broken down into multiple maps

You than have 2 options,

1, the slow way, register each map

2, Create a 'map of maps' (as pt does) and submit just the index map, if this has the modified date on it (as pt does) then google will download the maps that have changed since its last visit.
This is the best way for PT as you can add remove merchants and never touch the maps, or register new ones

Google is currently downloading my index map every 4 hours, if i add a new merchant is takes about 8 hours for googlebot to start crawling the pages

Submitted by IG on Thu, 2006-04-06 07:47

Thanks, guys!