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Including eBay

Submitted by support on Wed, 2006-03-15 12:39 in

[thread moved from, posted by getgood]

We have another script set up to handle ebay editor kits for our website and need to inlcude a text link underneath the 'Compare Prices' link to say something like 'Find on eBay' which will use the search query to link to our other search engine.

I have found where the 'Compare Prices' link is in Search.php but I cant figure out how to use the search variable to use with my other script.

We need to be able to have a link like this next to each product:[Product Name]

Any help much appreciated

Submitted by support on Wed, 2006-03-15 12:48

At the point at which you want to generate your additional search link, the product information is in an associative array called $product. To access the product name; you need to use $product["name"]. The following code should do what you want, starting from the line containing the "Compare Prices" link:

/* ... rest of script ... */
print "<a href='".$productHREF."'>Compare&nbsp;Prices</a>";
/* ... add the following ... */
print "<br />";
$ebayHREF "".urlencode($product["name"]);
"<a href='".$ebayHREF."'>Find on eBay</a>";
/* ... rest of script ... */

Hope this helps!