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Missing Admin Page [resolved]

Submitted by spatny on Tue, 2006-03-14 11:29 in


I have building a website based around Price Tapestry, and today I have found my admin page is blank on my browser. Is there anyway of recovering this? Do I have to reinstall?

I also notice there were no files within my 'ads' folder. I was going to add google adsense. Is this correct.

Is there any way of improving the search, as the search results seems very vague sometimes.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-03-14 11:41

Hi Peter,

Can you confirm that you have previously been able to administer your site; and then suddenly there is no content being returned by admin/index.php? Presumably you have not made any changes to .htaccess in /admin or the top level directory that could inhibit access at all? The first thing I would try would be to echo a debug message at the top of index.php and then exit immediately to confirm that there's no fundamental problem:

print "TESTING";exit();
// rest of script

Having read your comment and then going to check I have just realised that the /ads/ folder in the current distribution is empty. This is an error caused by the way I create the distribution. The folder should actually contain an empty file called product_bottom.php. If you create this file, and then paste your AdSense code into it your ads will be displayed at the bottom of the product / price comparison page.

Regarding search; are you using the latest distribution that uses MySQL's full text indexing? There has been quite a lot of discussion on the behaviour of the full text search in this thread. See if that answers any questions you may have, and if not feel free to describe in more detail the difference between what results you would expect and what is actually returned and i'll see if there is scope for improvement within the limitations of the toolset.


Submitted by spatny on Tue, 2006-03-14 13:12

Hi David,

Thanks for your very prompt reply :)

I can confirm that adding the echo script to /admin/index.php I receive an echo back. I have't changed the .hitaccess. However I have added over 20 TD Product feeds with over 25,000 Products in the pass few days.


Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-03-14 13:39

If you do a view > source; is there absolutely nothing else output?

The next stage would normally be to move the debug print-out slowly down the script until it is no longer generated - as the objective is to find out where in the code it is going wrong.

However, in the admin index script; there is nothing that really happens before the header is output; so i'm kinda stumped. It is worth printing the debug message just after the line to include the header to confirm that it is getting that far...

Submitted by spatny on Wed, 2006-03-15 11:28

Hi David,

It was my fault. I was messing around with the style of headers and footers. I had a friend check it out for me.
