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Category Management

Submitted by nsg1000 on Wed, 2007-01-10 21:56 in

I have a price tapestry based site were I receive feeds from and linkshare. My developer made it so that I have a category section on the left side, and it takes the category info from the feed. The problem is that different merchants use different categories.

Is there a way that I, or my developer can create our own categories, and somehow map it to each individual feeds category?

For example:

Different feeds have different categories for the same product:

Feed No 1:
Non Prescription > Top Seller- Frontline

Feed No 2:

Dogs > Flea & Tick > Frontline

Feed No 3:

Medication > Fleas > Dogs > Frontline

I would like them all to fall under the category like this:

Flea & Tick > Dogs > Frontline

Submitted by support on Thu, 2007-01-11 09:06

Hi There,

This is the problem that Category Mapping is designed to solve. You can specify your own category names, followed by a list of alternative names that are used by your various merchants. Then, during import; if any of the alternative names are matched your own category name is used instead...
