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download one merchant at a time from Admin page

Submitted by kevquinlan on Fri, 2006-11-24 12:09 in

probably more of a future feature request i guess!
I currently have about 200 merchants that i update every couple of weeks.
In the run up to Xmas i am needing to download some merchants more often because their prices on their daily feeds are changing quickly.

Rather than run the full automated download scripts more often and upset my hosting company again. would it be feasible to get a link on the admin page that would call for the updated feed of an individual merchant?
then when i notice some new products or prices i can update a handful of merchants more often.

Any thoughts?

Submitted by madison on Fri, 2006-11-24 12:34

just create a second FETCH script that has the few retailers on and run that one more often

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-11-24 12:39

Hi Kev,

I've been thinking about possible ways to improve automation and "update now" features such as this; but i'm cautious that they would lead to a support nightmare - you've probably seen how long the automation thread has run to recently!

As madison has suggested I think for now just a subset of your automation script is the best solution; but i'm certainly looking at other ways of going about it!


Submitted by henk on Sat, 2006-11-25 07:56


i think its not so very difficult for you :)

The standaard admin is perfect only one thing, there must be a way to leave the fetched url by a link and update/import by hand is not a problem.
