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rewrite engine

Submitted by rolli1 on Thu, 2006-11-23 20:11 in

Hi David,
although my host says that the rewrit engine is enabled the useRewrite in the config file does not work for .
With my other host it works fine. Do you have an explanation for that?



Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-11-23 20:31

Hi Roland,

I presume that you have got .htaccess in place. What happens if you go to one of the rewritten URLs, for example:


Submitted by rolli1 on Fri, 2006-11-24 10:27

Yes .htaccess is in place

I get an error page saying that the webaddress could not be found.



Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-11-24 10:48

Hi Roland,

Is your site installed into the top level directory of your website? If it is not, don't forget to set RewriteBase in .htaccess, for example:

RewriteBase /shopping/

Is the error you get a 404?

Do you have access to your web servers error log? Sometimes that will tell you what the problem is when a .htaccess setting isn't working...


Submitted by rolli1 on Fri, 2006-11-24 11:06

I get an error 404 and I do not have access to error logs. Site is installed in the root directory. I am going to discuss this again with my host because I now believe that the fault is at his end.

