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URL Locations

Submitted by Eddie on Sun, 2006-11-12 13:02 in


In menu.php I have added in the Mechant, Cat and brand links. Fine when on the index, but icorrect everywhere else. Cant remember how to fix it!

<a href='".($config_useRewrite?"merchant/":"merchants.php")."'>".translate("merchant")."</a>

Example :

Require :

ALso can you remind me on how to remove the words Merchant,Cat, Brand from being displayed in the serach box:

Many thanks


Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-11-12 18:48

Hi Eddie,

I would always use $config_baseHREF in the menu links so that it doesn't matter which page of the site you are on; for example:

<a href='".($config_useRewrite?$config_baseHREF."merchant/":$config_baseHREF."merchants.php")."'>".translate("merchant")."</a>

You could remove the merchant: brand: etc. from the search box, however this would break the link between what is displayed in the search box and the search results - subsequently if the user clicks search again the results would be different; and possibly not return any if there is just, for example, a merchant name in the search box.

There is code for removing the search tags from the page title in this thread:

You could do the same thing prior to remove the tags from $q; but you would then have to load this into a separate variable and update includes/searchform.php to use the new variable instead of $q as the default value. I really wouldn't recommend doing this...
