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Making site MSN SEO friendly

Submitted by thepricesite on Tue, 2006-11-07 10:14 in

Can anyone help, I have submitted my site to the top search engines. I'm gaining coverage on google & yahoo but having issues with MSN. I seem to have only 12 pages crawlled. Has anyone any ideas on how to make the site MSN friendly?



Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-11-07 10:27

Hi Michael,

What's the ratio compared to Google coverage?

The Price Tapestry demo site is

Google: 48,500
MSN: 2,526

Submitted by thepricesite on Tue, 2006-11-07 10:35

Google - 498
MSN - 12
Yahoo/AltaVista - 3091

Michael @ ThePriceSite

Submitted by philstone on Tue, 2006-11-07 11:42

Hi guys

I have found the same with my site

Google - 57,600
MSN - 138
Yahoo/altavista - 3,080

I guess it proves how more effective a search engine google have over microsoft.

P Stone /

Submitted by thepricesite on Tue, 2006-11-07 11:48

Phil - how did you manage to get so many pages crawlled by Google? Is this something that takes time? Have you used Adwords if so are they any good?

Michael @ ThePriceSite

Submitted by philstone on Tue, 2006-11-07 11:55

I asked dave a similar question months ago, He told me it takes time, and it does, this has taken from March to get to this level, although if you look at the results a lot of them are months behind while others are as up to date as yesterday. I used adwords for a short time then overnight a few months ago they put my minimun bids to £5.00 - who is ever gonna bid that for a keyword? So i stopped advertising completely, since then i've been tweaking the script for seo, its improved, but i still feel there is a lot of work to do to get the organic results with a good pagerank, patience i believe is a key to this process though!

As the saying goes 'i'm still learning, and have a lot still to learn'

Submitted by thepricesite on Tue, 2006-11-07 11:58

Thanks for the advice mate - i will put on my slippers, get my pipe out and wait! :)

Michael @ ThePriceSite