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Submitted by kweb002 on Wed, 2006-10-25 23:38 in

How can I customize the script, the look and feed content.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-10-26 06:31


Customisation of the look and feel of Price Tapestry is easy. Firstly, you have complete control over the main styling simply by editing default.css. Secondly, all the visual elements of the site are created using modules of code in the html directory of the script installation; so, for example; if you want to change the appearance of the search box you could edit html/searchform.php and the changes would apply to every page that shows the search box. The HTML modules are predominantly HTML with inline PHP, so they are easy to customise even with little PHP programming knowledge.

With regards to customising feed content; Price Tapestry has a comprehensive set of filters that enable you to modify values in the feed at import time so you can, for example, search and replace text; or add other fields from the feed onto the end of a product description.

Hope this helps,

Submitted by no1san on Sun, 2006-10-29 08:15

works great.

Are there some experienced people to design a template for pricetapestry ?
I mean header, contact page and so on?

thanks in advance.

Submitted by Oisin on Sun, 2006-10-29 09:50

i get your drift.

yes this is good.. good designers out there can sell PT templates at a cheap price.