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Products upload fine on local version - but not on production version

Submitted by pricelid on Sun, 2006-10-22 16:42 in


I've been trying to go live with my site - but I've hit problems, Price Tapestry works fine on my local machine but on the production machine it won't upload the feeds - doesn't throw any errors - just doesn't add any products. Everything else working fine - and it's definately connecting to the database cos if you choose to add a category ie in category mapping it adds that just fine - it just doesn't add the products in feed import.

Any ideas as to what I should do next in order to debug?



Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-10-22 17:35

Hello Wayne,

You say you're having trouble uploading feeds but do you mean importing them? This could be a timeout issue regarding the PHP or Apache configuration on your host - please have a look at the following page for more information....

If there are not errors displayed this may just be because your host has PHP configured in silent mode so that errors are not reported. After trying to import - does the page refresh to the main admin page, or does the connection time out?


Submitted by pricelid on Sun, 2006-10-22 17:40

Hi David

I thought about it being in silent mode - so I turned display_errors on in the php.ini temporarily - but to no avail - it returns to the main page - and displays no time out errors.

The webserver is IIS6 not Apache. Not really sure what to do now - it seems that it is not having any errors - just not pharsing.

I've turned off the password protection so that you can have a look -

And as I say display_errors is on

I have access to the php.ini because I will be running the app on a dedicated server.

at the moment the resource limits are set to

; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

what would you have them set to? and are there any other settings in the ini that might be breaking the script?

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-10-22 19:45


I have come across this behaviour once before - I think it's to do with the local MySQL configuration regarding the handling of spaces within the field names.

The fix in that case was to add some code to includes/admin.php.
Look for the following code (line 150)

    /* copy record into global space for use by filters */
    $filter_record = $record;

...and add the following code immediately afterwards:

    foreach($admin_importFeed as $k => $v)
      $admin_importFeed[$k] = trim($v);
    foreach($record as $k => $v)
      $record[trim($k)] = $v;

If you're not sure where it should go if you could email me your includes/admin.php file i'll make the mods for you. What this does is removes any trailing spaces from the field names in the database in order to make sure that they match up...


Submitted by pricelid on Mon, 2006-10-23 10:15

Hi David

Thanks for all your help - problem sorted.



Submitted by datex on Sat, 2006-10-28 21:54

Worked for me too