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Multisite Install - baseHREF issue

Submitted by ChrisNBC on Thu, 2015-11-12 11:06 in

Hi David,

Hope all is going well.

I’m having a few issues migrating one of my sites to a multisite structure. I’ve created multiple installs each with their own dB prefixes. As suggested in a couple of forum posts , I’ve set a ‘master’ install where the automation tool is collecting feeds and storing them in a central repository. The sub install folders are created within the ‘master install’ folder. All this seems to work fine except I’ve noticed that when I view product pages (in a sub installation) the page url correctly displays the sub folder but some components displayed on the page are obviously taken from the ‘master’ install folder. For example, In the sub installs I have set a different $config_title so I can see which install I’m working on but I have noticed that when I view a product page in a sub install the site name displayed is the one I have set in the master config.

All installs are using rewrite and the htaccess files are identical.

I initially thought that the cause was missing $config_baseHREF's in the script but I have tried various changes without any success. I wondered if you might be able to suggest how I could resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.


Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-11-12 12:49

Hi Chris,

It sounds like a .htaccess issue - most likely down to RewriteBase. If I've understood correctly, layout is thus;


In which case, /master/ .htaccess should contain

RewriteBase /master/

And sub-install1 for example, .htaccess should contain

RewriteBase /master/sub-install1/


Hope this helps!


Submitted by ChrisNBC on Thu, 2015-11-12 13:11

Hi David,

Thanks as always for your quick response. I tried what you suggested above but got page not found messages. However, when I added just "RewriteBase /sub-install1/" to the htaccess of the sub install that seems to work.

Best regards
