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Available sizes at price table

Submitted by stevebi on Wed, 2015-11-11 19:21 in

Hello David,

Can you please tell me how can I apply at product page -> price table and just under the product name the available shoe sizes at the following format

Available sizes: 36, 37, 38 etc

Thank you very much for your support


Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-11-12 09:06

Hi Steve,

Within the main loop in html/prices.php, look for where the original name is displayed by this code:

<?php print $product["original_name"]; ?>

...and REPLACE with:

<?php print $product["original_name"]; ?>
<?php if ($product["size"]): ?>
<br />
Sizes Available: <?php print $product["size"]; ?>
<?php endif; ?>


Submitted by stevebi on Thu, 2015-11-12 11:36

Hello David,

Thank you for your reply.

I am receiving the following error

Undefined index: original_name on line 51

Can you please help me in solving the error.



Submitted by support on Thu, 2015-11-12 12:41

Hi Steve,

Ah - to display sizes available from the main product record below the price comparison table, ignore the above, and at the end of html/prices.php just use:

<?php if ($product_main["size"]): ?>
Sizes Available: <?php print $product_main["size"]; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

To use the above modification so that sizes are shown for each merchant, it looks like (from last copy I have in email from you) that the original code to look for is at line 34. I've also modified above to use the IF conditional so that "Sizes Available ..." is only displayed if the product record has a `size` value...


Submitted by stevebi on Thu, 2015-11-12 13:56


As always David

Thank you
