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If no review then display a message

Submitted by thepricesite on Thu, 2006-10-05 14:29 in

Does anyone know whether it is possible to show a message if a review doesn't exist.
For example, i get someone searching for a product review but one doesn't exist therefore i would to say " if there is no review, why not be the first to review this product" etc....

Any ideas?


Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-10-05 14:39

Hi Michael,

Very simply first of all; as it stands, whilst viewing the product page, if there are no reviews the text is "Review This Product", otherwise it says "x Reviews". You could just change the message, which is on line 41 of products.php in the distribution to say "Be the first to review this product!".

I may have misunderstood you however as you say "searching for reviews" - so have you provided some mechanism to route directly to review pages without going via the prouduct page?
