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using api from affiliate network

Submitted by yomomma on Sat, 2013-07-20 21:20 in

I like the use the api from my affiliate network. I was wondering how I would go about it. I looked at the ebay and amazon api scripts and wondered if they could be modified for my purposes.

Submitted by support on Sun, 2013-07-21 09:24


Almost certainly. If you could perhaps post an example API request URL (I'll remove before publishing your reply) I'll fetch the response and from that should be able to describe exactly how to modify the standard API scripts to construct the appropriate request and then parse and display the response.

If you're not sure exactly how to construct a request URL that returns an XML (or CSV, no reason why it has to be XML) response but there is a public link to the documentation for the API let me know the address and I'll check it out for you...


Submitted by yomomma on Sun, 2013-07-21 19:13

Not sure how to constuct one. I will email you the username and password to the site.