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Just a quick pre-purchase question for David

Submitted by andyb on Thu, 2006-08-24 03:55 in

Hi David,

Just a quickie pre-purchase question.

I haven't yet purchased price tapestry yet, and I noticed in this post: You mention that you might be:

"re-working the way the follow on links work as making them automatically inherit all the query parameters would make this and other modifications far easier...!"

Is it worth me hanging off for a while before purchasing while you make these changes?
will it be a major re-write or minor code changes?


Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-08-24 06:02

Hi Andy,

I'm not sure when i'll be making those changes as yet (the script is currenly extremely stable) - however please note that there's never any upgrade fees for Price Tapestry so you can always download the latest version whenever there are any mods that you would like to benefit from.
