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Submitted by multiz on Wed, 2006-08-23 01:59 in

I'm planning on adding a forum to my price comparison site for customers to discuss their products. Does anyone know of free a forum (PHP) that uses search engine friendly URLs (such as this one)?

Software and Video Games Price Comparison Shop

Submitted by support on Wed, 2006-08-23 05:42

I think pretty much all the popular forum scripts are configurable to have search engine friendly URLs - it would certainly be a frequently requested feature.

There's Drupal (which powers this site), although that's more of a CMS than just a forum system. Another popular one is phpBB.


Submitted by Harvey on Wed, 2006-08-23 10:18

There's a free mod available for PHPBBthat uses mod_rewrite to make the URLs search friendly.

There's also one for vbulletin, but that costs money :)