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Wrong shop(s) listing

Submitted by Peter on Tue, 2006-08-08 01:52 in

Hi David,

i use the modification to show under the price "1 shop", "2 shops" and so on.
The mod from HERE

But if i search by categories and/or merchants it shows me only 1 shop, but there are more than one.

Over the normal search it works perfect.

Thanks, Peter

Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-08-08 06:02

Hi Peter,

This is normal for a merchant search as when you search by merchant the script does not know how many other merchants also have the produduct.

This is why by default the text either says "Compare Prices" or "More Information" rather than "Compare 1 Prices" - because there may be more prices displayed when you view the product.

You should be seeing multiple merchants when doing a category search, however note that this would require your merchants to all be using the same categories, otherwise you will need to do some category mapping.

For example, 1 video game merchant may have a game listed in the category "Nintendo DS", whilst another just uses "DS". Check your category page to see if you think this is what is happening.

Hope this helps!