You are here:  » Searchname


Submitted by keymaster on Sun, 2006-08-06 11:51 in

Hi David,

In the products table there are two fields: name and searchname.

Searchname appears to be the same as name, but without spaces.

What is the purpose of searchname?


Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-08-06 14:58


The "searchname" field is currently used for queries of less than 4 characters. In an earlier version of Price Tapestry, it was used for all queries before the full text indexing was implemented.

The purpose is to make the query independant of white space within the product name. For example, if somebody was searching for a product that was known by its model number "DVP 1234", by searching a field that has had all white space removed; and by doing the same to the query before constructing the SQL it doesn't matter how the user enters the model number - either with or without the space the SQL will still find the product.
