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Import error

Submitted by nazeelp on Sun, 2006-07-23 16:50 in

When i import some big feeds (30MB).....

After i clicked on import, and after few second i get a blank white page ( feeds_import.php?filename=feedname.xml)....

and if i go back to the admin page i get number of products imported to 10 ( which is imported as trial import when registering the feed)....

but when i list all the product of this Merchant i get 5351....

Actually the feed contains about 18572 products....

This is a feed for littlewood...

(I am also included some filters to drop all empty Fields with products name, price, url )...

what may be the reason for this.

Best Regards

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-07-23 17:45

Hi Nazeel,

This implies that your server is restricting the amount of time that a PHP script is allowed to run. Some hosts do this to prevent scripts from consuming too many resources.

In the case of importing a very large product feed it is neccessary to be able to execute PHP scripts for an unlimited time. However, it is possible for this restriction to be imposed only whilst PHP is running via Apache, which means that you can still import via the command line using the automation scripts.

To do this, you will need to login to your server via Telnet or SSH, and then change directory to /scripts. Then, you can execute the command:

php import.php <filename>

Please see the following page for more info:

Please note that some users have been successful in asking their host to turn off the PHP time limit for their account. Please also see the following threads for more information:

Hope this helps,