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Extra Field Filter

Submitted by philstone on Mon, 2006-06-05 11:29 in

hi dave

Is there anyway that the filters applied to various fields can also be applied to the "extra fields"



Submitted by support on Mon, 2006-06-05 11:36


Yes - but not by using the "Extra fields" feature; which infact I am considering depreciating from the distribution.

It has been made redundant as a result of a new feature that enables the value of any other field to be incorporated into the custom text enetered into a "Text Before" or "Text After" filter.

For more information, check the documentation on:
(section: Combining Fields Using the Text Before and Text After Filters)

The way this replaces the extra description fields function is that you can apply a "Text After" filter to the description field, and then incorporate any other field using the placeholders such as %DELIVERY% for example.

Then, you can of course apply additional filters after the "Text After" filter has been applied by creating it afterwards - as filters are applied in the order in which they are created.


Submitted by nikomou on Thu, 2006-06-29 13:18

I've tried using field place holders using the text before / after filters for the product name, but instead the product name appears like:

Nokia N80 on %Network%.

Instead of the content of the field "Network"...

Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-06-29 14:53


If the source feed is XML format the field name will have to be in upper case (e.g. %NETWORK%). If it's a CSV variant feed that you're using then it may be mixed case in which case i'd need to investigate - i'll take a look at that...
