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How do i...... Sort by price!

Submitted by kevquinlan on Sun, 2006-01-29 22:24 in

How would i go about setting it up to sort by price?

Submitted by support on Sun, 2006-01-29 22:37


This is straight forward, but care would need to be taken on a very large dataset. Look in search.php for the following line:

$sql .= " ORDER BY search_name";

To sort product search results by price ascending, change this to:

$sql .= " ORDER BY price ASC";

.. or by descending price:

$sql .= " ORDER BY price DESC";

If you could let me know if this looks OK (I just tried it on i'll build this into the search script so that a user can choose the sort field (i.e. a link along the top to switch to sort by price ascending or descending). There are some "search engine friendliness" considerations alongside this sort of feature; so i'll have a sleep on that...!
